Sports Massage Therapy in Lincoln, Newark & Retford

  • 18 Peterborough Road, Collingham, Newark

Deep tissue massage is a fantastically rejuvenating massage technique typically used to alleviate aches and pains from exercise or musculoskeletal issues. Deep tissue massage benefits are wide-ranging but include bringing relief from sports injuries, a sense of wellbeing and relaxation, increased circulations and reduced inflammation. 

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage technique which uses deep pressure. Combining slow strokes and notable finger pressure, the purpose is to release the tension and tightness held deeply in your muscles and your connective tissues. 

A deep tissue massage will typically focus on your primary areas of discomfort. This will typically be the back, neck, shoulders, buttocks and legs. However, it is also used on the arms, for example in the case of tennis elbow, or the feet, such as with plantar fasciitis. The increased pressure helps to alleviate any soreness or imbalance caused by injury or tenseness. If you have anxiety or are suffering with stress, a deep tissue massage will help to release the tension you are carrying in your body as a result.

Deep tissue massage is a fantastically rejuvenating massage technique typically used to alleviate aches and pains from exercise or musculoskeletal issues. Deep tissue massage benefits are wide ranging but include bringing relief from sports injuries, a sense of wellbeing and relaxation, increased circulations and reduced inflammation. 

Get in touch for a free telephone consultation