Providing Sports Massage ervices to Retford and the surrounding area.
Sports Massage Therapy in Lincoln, Newark & Retford
During a recent sports massage for a client who is very active, he mentioned in passing a “weird burning-like pain” in his heal. The client is a keen runner and it instantly occurred to me that it could possibly be a case of Plantar Fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis is a disorder of the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot. This can prove to be incredibly painful, especially during those first few steps of the day. I have found that generally, this condition originates from the calf muscles which then shows itself as plantar fasciitis.
Through Massage, soft tissue release and varying methods of treatment plus post-treatment exercises, I have had great results in treating this condition. It is not uncommon for at least one client through the working week to be on the couch with the above!
The client was surprised that it was tightness in the calf causing the problem and delighted that we’d been able to remedy it quickly and easily.
If you’re experiencing pain in the arches of your feet or heels get in touch to arrange a quick call during which me may be able to narrow down the potential problem and make a plan.
Providing Sports Massage ervices to Retford and the surrounding area.
Call us anytime