Sports Massage Therapy in Lincoln, Newark & Retford

  • 18 Peterborough Road, Collingham, Newark

Sports Massage isn’t just for Athletes or “sporty men and women” it is for everyone and for all ages. It is often misunderstood as a treatment ( “I don’t do sport; aren’t they painful??)

A sports massage can be relevant and beneficial to anyone, whether this is from a Horse Riding injury/niggle, training for a race or a challenge simply aching from too much computer work, a regular massage can help to keep your body and importantly your well-being in sync.  Hopefully speeding recovery and keeping injuries at bay.


I treat patients holistically and work with “their” needs. This is a central process to my approach, having a long background in Mental Health Nursing has fostered and educated such conditions.
From the initial consultation and through subsequent treatments the patient’s needs are at the forefront. Being flexible in approach and manner is imperative for the whole process to be as seamless as possible.


If you’ve overworked whilst running, cycling or improving strength, feeling exhausted and having difficulty focusing or sleeping a massage will surely be beneficial.

Get in touch for a free telephone consultation